A beauty/fashion/style blog with bits of life thrown in between hauls and reviews.

Wednesday 10 April 2013

My Makeup Brushes

Hi all! I wanted to get started on my beauty channel, so I decided to upload a few "Basics" videos first. These videos will help you all get to know about the tools I use in my videos and the tips and tricks I have for applying basic, everyday makeup.

My first video is my Brush Collection video, which walks you through all the brushes I own and the brushes I will be using in my makeup tutorials. It's also a bit of a mini-review on which brushes I enjoy using, and which ones I regret purchasing. I hope you enjoy :)

What are some of your favourite makeup brushes?


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Hi there! My name is Ashley. I'm a 19 year old student from Ontario with a passion for beauty and fashion.


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