A beauty/fashion/style blog with bits of life thrown in between hauls and reviews.

Sunday 28 April 2013

Life | Exams, Paris

I've been a bit inactive on this blog, though it wasn't intentional! It's not that I didn't have things to post, I just didn't have the time.

My second year at university is coming to a close and I have my last exam tomorrow. Things have been quite hectic what with keeping up with work and also studying for exams and one other thing...planning a vacation to Paris!

My mom has always wanted to go to Paris but sadly has never been. I visited briefly a few years ago, though the visit was entirely unpleasant and accidental (basically my flight to London was diverted due to bad weather and I ended up stranded in Paris for two days with no food...lovely). I'm so excited to go for my first proper visit and I know my mum is excited too. We're staying for 6 days and I may even vlog bits of it and edit it into a video. I'll definitely be taking photos and posting them here as well.

So, that's what life's been like for me lately. I just wanted to give a quick little update and let you know that I'm still here and I'll be posting more regularly after I return from Paris.


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Hi there! My name is Ashley. I'm a 19 year old student from Ontario with a passion for beauty and fashion.


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